Sunday, August 16, 2009

I cant believe i got fever!!! Kay, so maybe i slept late on
Sat nite, bt its lyk so sudden. No lah, not h1n1... gd ting: no sku, sleep till
late morning..., play com, can miss da chi flute thing--not tat its tat bad, bt
when i blow for too long i feel so dizzy n feel lyk vomiting, then i oso cant
play those high notes where u hav to blow real hard. i still dunno how 2 use my
diaphragm (or wateva its spelled lyk). bad ting: hav
to do lots of hw tmr Oh n tmr is da testS. I
kinda hope can get well tmr so can go to sku, cuz i dun wanna take da test
alone. I missed da pract 4 music... i pract da 'ju hua tai' piece. sounds a bit
wierd, though. mayb i played da wrong notes. lalala, i still feel lyk i juz woke
up, must be da medicine effect. haha:D noooooooooo... why still lyk tat, i so
want to post picts of my precious ducky familee to liven up da blog bt still got
prob. Keep going 'error on pg' thingy. maybe ill try next time. goodbye bloggie,
goodbye fever...kk, i oso dunno wad im doing.

Th-'happysad' gal--sm❤

with lotz of (:happy faces:)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Soree...(2 no one in particular:) da blog ha sbeen quite dea cuz dat time i wanted 2 post bt got some prob. bt now its working so yay,yay,yay! :) dis wk was lyk soooo tiring. There was da 2.4 run which cuz(ed) me cramps for lyk da nex 2 daes n made me drop n sleep 4 2h once i got home aft...cycling! (yea, dat was da best part of da dae) oh ya, i kinda got lost aft da run, lyk i cud not find da bus stop. They shld realli hire a shuttle bus to take us fm ECP. tat would be more convenient 4 everyone, rite? (everyone agrees) k, nvm. da ting was, dis wk return so many test, make me wanna cry. No lah, juz tat when da teacher bring one stack of papers my heart beat lyk crazy. haha, at least i improved:) nex week still got da eng personal recount test, i still a bit nervous... den 2day was suppose 2 be a short dae(half dae @ sch) bt da time seem to drag longer than before. Kay, so i couldn't c how da trees were planted, bt we were released aft dat:) n i dun wan 2 talk bout wad happened b4 tat. And i've got limited com time which is gonna be up soon, so, i guess its bye...



HEY-O,,this fairytale begins with two main characters
and that is MISS shermaine and MISS sheryl
if you feel lyk deleting 1 of th names,,
you'd better throw that thought in th rubbish bin
we're like magnets that stick together
that can be easily separated but
bounce back together again
that's da theory of 'magnets'

scream out loud