Saturday, May 30, 2009

had trouble logging in haaas
anyway posting partly bcause my sis
asked me to...
well, so on...
went to violin make-up lesson fetched my grandma
had a great time...
from sheryl.......❤

Monday, May 18, 2009

This will be da first time posting on this blog. haha
dunno if should put pictures to add on to da colour.... any way, yayyayyay!!! no
more test from now till june hols, except 4 da short eng quiz tmr, besides
that..... its veri relac. i feel kindof slack these few days, maybe cuz no ore
test. lets c.... still 3 more projects yet 2 complete, one's almost done, the
others hav 2 stay bak this wk, dunno y cant do in lesson time--saves time-rather our time. hahaz again. still trying 2 figure out wat yao cai has to do
wib acc. suggestions? 2 more wks i mean 11 days excluding 2day, to da june
h0ls:), 2 b more precise. bad thing is, there might b loads of hol hw. nvr
mind....hope there'll b @ most hw "completable" in 3 days, mayb 5.....
fine, juz not so much as 2 take half da hols 2 complete it... kay, gotta go
print out fa project thingy ....



HEY-O,,this fairytale begins with two main characters
and that is MISS shermaine and MISS sheryl
if you feel lyk deleting 1 of th names,,
you'd better throw that thought in th rubbish bin
we're like magnets that stick together
that can be easily separated but
bounce back together again
that's da theory of 'magnets'

scream out loud