Speaking bout food...
Monday, November 9, 2009

We made cookies yesterdae
it was really yummy
haha :D
Only part of the 'we' didn't
quite pitch in
unless pouring sugar and flour into bags
is considered as helping.
Truthfully, it was quite easy to make...
so prob we'll just have it for breakfast next time

deliciously bakedd

randomly posted by me

Stuck here....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Now that its da hols, I duuno wad to do cuz
its lyk I'm doing da smae stuff everydae.
Not forgetting...hw, I'm tired of it...
just wish we could go for a hol sooner
cuz that would be something new other than
hw and facing da computer and tv.
Kay, thiugh I havn't check da moodle thing yet,
I'm guessing there's gonna be lots of hw--
otherwise why would most of it be
posted online?
Still..... 16 more daes to noe where I land
for da whole of next years sku life.
Strange why I dun get that nervous feeling lyk
I got at first. Probably got so used to it alr.
Just wish I finished all my hw, I only did maths,


Friday, October 30, 2009

haha:D cute rite?


HEY! Sheryl ere.
i have nothing to write abt, so i declare that i will scrrible ere for as long as i lyk.its so unfair!!my sister has no more school!secondly, sku is so boring!thirdly, i want to go overseas!!!kay, i hav no more complaints to make. tdy went to the library with my extremely efficient friend, guinevere!!!i love all my good friend!!!like:sharifah, theresa, lydia, ashley, guinevere, natalie....and maybe more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tatas, and toodles, and thank youu, and farewell, and good day, and bye bye, and goodbye!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

im so mad cuz my hp went out of bat today justwhen i needed
it so much... i was taking picture of da meths results for da hol
hw thingy then my hp suddenly blacked out. i did'nt evan noe its
battery was running da dae before. Next, i badly wanted to take
pictures cuz its da 2nd last dae of sku. Aft sku i oso needed to call
Zhi Xin but then my hp oso no battery...
Just this morning i was at da com lab doing a 综合填空
abt handphones and da author was saying it is not a need
for teens 2 own a hp and that we should'nt be using it in sku
even if we owned one. lyk that's rite.... i so needed my hp 2day
So i've learnt my lesson and i've charged my hp:)
Strange how ppl say time flies when ure having fun.
I did'nt seem to ba having fun this year bt i still feel that its
passed so quickly. I seriously feel that its still the June hols.
I wish. I will miss lots of friends next year cuz i think most of
us would be separated...:( i lin of hope that one-integrity can
all stay together, though i had been wanting to rid of some
ppl since da start of this year. (sorry, no offence) -_-
i wonder how sec 2's lyk
kay, i'll bring my fully charged hp tmr and i will take
lots of pictures cuz i seriously wanna rmb my
friends in 1-integrity...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Right now im in da com lab with da com being very laggy and
i cant do da chi ex so i think i have to do it at homne:(

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


HEY-O,,this fairytale begins with two main characters
and that is MISS shermaine and MISS sheryl
if you feel lyk deleting 1 of th names,,
you'd better throw that thought in th rubbish bin
we're like magnets that stick together
that can be easily separated but
bounce back together again
that's da theory of 'magnets'

scream out loud